This story is dedicated to GREEDY DEVELOPER who keep abusing our land Story By Irdina Anis This is Ali Ali lives in Maran, Pahang. It is a very beautiful and peaceful area. Ali was a very cheerful kid. He likes to play in the park with his friends. But suddenly... The area where Ali lived was heavy rain for several days. Ali can't go to play with his friends anymore .. Ali began to think .. Why the rain did not stop for days .. While Ali was thinking .. Ali noticed that the water outside of the house .. getting closer to entering the area of Ali's house .. Ali began to feel anxious and worried .. Then the fire brigade arrived and took Ali and his family to a temporary residence .. That time.. Ali began to feel sad .. Because Ali can't go home .. He also could not meet his friends and play together. There are some people saying, floods occur due to climate change .. And there are an illegal land developers and settlers who are always greedy for the land in the Maran, Pahang area. After hearing what that person told .. Ali feels very, very angry! Especially to the illegal land settlers who have no heart and does not thinking about the locals. At the same time.. Ali also feels very, very sad with what happened .. So Ali wants to tell everyone If anyone sees an irresponsible illegal developer .. Immediately report to: Biro Pengaduan Awam Pahang 095124129 So that action can be taken for them! Don't just keep it silent .. Because if you keep it silent .. The same thing can happen to others Let's take care of our environment together .. So that Ali and his friends Can always be happy Including those who are reading right now.. Together we TAKE CARE OF THE ENVIRONMENT as good as we can! This message is brought to you by: Story By IRDINA ANIS BINTI MUSTAFFA for MRE 3005 - Creative Strategy & Technique Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)